Choose Your Softener
Note: Some softeners have a faceplate or cover that needs to be removed before the buttons can be seen.
Erie Imperial System Regeneration
Repeatedly press the left-most ♻ button until you see the words "Regen in 10 sec". Wait ten seconds and the unit will start a system regeneration.
Please refer to your system manual for additional information. A digital copy of your manual can be found here.
Sensory Twin Regeneration
Press and hold the ♻ button until you hear a soft click. You will hear a quiet hum as the gears start to turn in the softener. The system will begin cleaning within two minutes.
Please refer to your system manual for additional information. A digital copy of your manual can be found here.
Watch a Sensory Twin system get cleaned below
Erie Metered System Regeneration
Repeatedly press the center 'star' button until the screen says "Clean in 10 sec". Wait ten seconds and the unit will start a system cleaning.
Please refer to your system manual for additional information. A digital copy of your manual can be found here.
Watch an Erie Metered system get cleaned below
System Regeneration
Please refer to your system manual for regeneration instructions. A digital copy of your manual can be found on your manufacturer's website. If you are unable to find a copy of your manual, on online manual repository can be found here that may be helpful.
You may be able to receive video instruction by looking up your softener model number on YouTube.